A selection of images including the cover to Titanic Terastructures, A Quiet Afternoon 2, Thirty Years of Rain, New Maps, Shoreline of Infinity, K-Zine, Flotation Device and Magical Crime Scene Investigation.
In the centre are two painted images, one of a frazzled ginger haired woman drinking tea and one of a Sikh gentleman holding a bucket and sword and facing pink tentacles


UPDATE: Now listed on Eibonvale’s website here.

Now that I am almost recovered from the World Fantasy Hangover let me talk to you of cabbages and kings. Or possibly the single greatest thing that occurred to me there.

The release of Caledonia Dreamin’.

Caledonia Dreamin’ is an anthology of Strange Fiction based on Scots words and I am immensely proud to be in it. I knew that what they were looking for was not my natural style and it was going to take some work but, with the help of many, it got there and sits rather shamefacedly alongside some excellent authors with some wonderful tales.

It was going to be touch and go whither it would be available for WFC and so the discovery of it in the Dealer’s Room made me very happy. Then to find out it was in hardback as well, well I did get a bit over-excitable.

Anyhoos, I acquired a copy and spent large parts of my time at the convention hunting down the other authors in it and getting signatures. Not something I normally do, but for this first anthology I have ever been in, it seemed like the right thing to do.

The publishers have not yet updated their website to show it available, but it is showing on Amazon here and I will no doubt add other links once they make themselves available.

It looks lovely, it could be used to batter someone and, having read it over the weekend, it is really rather good.

What is less good is that I had to sign a few other copies,  where I completely failed and spelled my own name wrong. Blame the con bar and me being over-excited.

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