A selection of images including the cover to Titanic Terastructures, A Quiet Afternoon 2, Thirty Years of Rain, New Maps, Shoreline of Infinity, K-Zine, Flotation Device and Magical Crime Scene Investigation.
In the centre are two painted images, one of a frazzled ginger haired woman drinking tea and one of a Sikh gentleman holding a bucket and sword and facing pink tentacles

2017: The Year of the Step Up

Hello all and Happy Holidays.

Firstly, I have a new story out. Yay! Normally at this time of year I do a review of the year and post up an old story for you. But today I happen to have a new story out from the wonderful people at Fireside Fiction. It’s called Rab the Giant and Witch of the Waterfall and it is available to read for free here  right now. It’s a wee story about the monsters of yore and how they get on in the modern world. It features cake.

Go, enjoy, I’ll see you later if you feel the urge to come back for more of my drivel.

Oh, hello, thanks for coming back. Hope you liked it. If you did, please do consider chipping some money towards Fireside to help cover their costs. It all helps towards them providing more and better stories.

I’ve been attending story telling events of late and a lot of their stories are traditional fairy tale type stories. They all start wth ‘Once upon a time’ and have a moral and this was my attempt to do something similar. With luck and some insightful critiques from the Glasgow Science Fiction Writers Circle I’m feel I’ve got a fair way towards that.

Also, did you see the illustration they gave my story? How flipping wonderous is that? By Marianne Khalil and I’m not sure I can quite express how awed and overjoyed I am to look upon it.

Anyway, now that I’ve calmed down from my great excitement let’s turn to my more normal end of year review thingy.

Until quite recently it was looking like a quiet year. I had a story out in KZine way back in January but there has been a wee flurry recently. Obviously there is this new story out but I’ve also been told another three have been accepted for publication. A flash piece on the dangers of ancient technology, a bit of far future action with musings on memory and a second story to Fireside featuring a university library janitor and his talking cat.
Expect to get spammed by me when those appear, hopefully next year.

Another thing of note is that back in October I celebrated five years since my first publication. That was The Greatest Rocketman, published by Sein und Werden and you can read it here as a previous year’s Christmas present story. As such I thought I’d do a wee roundup of how those five years have gone, with a graph (ooo).

Mostly what this graph shows is that I hate Microsoft’s Excel and can’t get it to do what I want, but it does also show that, after my best year for number of publications in 2013, I only just got away without a complete Granny in 2014.
This being a good reminder to myself that one good year does not mean that the next will be similar. Those laurels must remain un-rested-upon.

Which, obviously, means I need to get my finger out and write more to hawk around next year.

Still, if, five years ago, you’d told me I’d have seen this much success with my wee writing hobby I’d have laughed right in your face. If you suggest I might even do similar in the next five years I will still laugh in your face.

Any roads, thanks to everyone who has helped me by reading or critiquing or publishing my nonsense. You’re all lovely people.

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7 responses to “2017: The Year of the Step Up”

  1. Woody avatar

    It is a most excellent picture, and almost makes up for your bouncing Ace.
    Also, what was the moral of the story? I'm, not very good at morals!

  2. Brian M. Milton avatar

    Don't ask me, I only wrote it.
    Maybe something about finding a better way to resolve your problems than the old fighting ways, or something?

  3. Nyx avatar

    Time is the great healer? Or something. Anyway, I loved it. The modern mixing with the old, and it made me smile. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading more!

  4. Raj avatar

    I loved that story, so thank you for that (especially the aside about the reason for high ceilings in Glasgow tenements). The publishing graph looks good (and suggests that the green bar should be looking healthy next year).

  5. Brian M. Milton avatar

    Thanks for reading and glad you liked it.

  6. Brian M. Milton avatar

    One year is certainly no indication of the next buy hopefully have done stuff to point at next year.
    Thanks for reading, I like this reason for high ceilings.

  7. I am blogger 14 avatar

    it's really cool blog. Linking is very useful thing.you have really helped Scottish Fold Munchkin

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