A selection of images including the cover to Titanic Terastructures, A Quiet Afternoon 2, Thirty Years of Rain, New Maps, Shoreline of Infinity, K-Zine, Flotation Device and Magical Crime Scene Investigation.
In the centre are two painted images, one of a frazzled ginger haired woman drinking tea and one of a Sikh gentleman holding a bucket and sword and facing pink tentacles

Category: review

  • 2022: the year of hee haw

     Hello all. It’s been a quiet year, writing news wise, this year.  I’ve been up to much, first holiday and first convention since the Covid stuff started, got Covid (mildly, I’m glad to say), got all eco-smug about electric cars, but when it comes to news to put in here, not so much. I have,…

  • 2020: The year of the pestilence

     Hello all. I hope this strangest of years has been not too bad for you and that this finds you well. It’s been weird, tragic and befuddling for all so well done on getting through it best you can and fingers crossed for an improvement next year. It’s been odd for us all but for…

  • 2017: The Year of the Step Up

    2017: The Year of the Step Up

    Hello all and Happy Holidays. Firstly, I have a new story out. Yay! Normally at this time of year I do a review of the year and post up an old story for you. But today I happen to have a new story out from the wonderful people at Fireside Fiction. It’s called Rab the…

  • 2016: The Year we’d mostly like to forget.

    Well, hasn’t 2016 been a truly terrible year? War, politics, death have all been busy this year which makes me doing a wee review of my writing feel somewhat unimportant. I entirely understand if you have more important things on your mind. That said, there has been the odd nice thing this year. I got…

  • 2015, the Year of the Long Wait

    Merry seasonal whatnots. It’s been a quieter year in the writing way. One story on god management published back in May and a lot of writing. One of the points of note this year has been the nearlies. I always like to assume that if a story is considered for a long time before it…

  • 2014, The Year Of Not So Much

    It’s time for the end of year review thing, something that was most enjoyable to write last year. But pride comes before a fall, so it seems only right that after last year’s belter of a start to this publishing larkey things would drop off. I ended last year feeling like a proper writer. Stories…

  • 2013, the year of the Purple Patch

    It being the traditional time of the year for a bit of retrospection I think it is time to take stock and be amazed. I’ve always played with writing but a couple of years ago I decided to step it up and show stuff to the Glasgow Science Fiction Writer’s Circle. Lots of work later…