This writing thing has led to many odd things but, in what is probably the strangest, today I find myself on a podcast. Speculative Spaces Podcast.
Local great person, Beth Faulds, has started doing a podcast where she chats to writers (local at present but she’d love to branch out so if you know anyone you think would be good for her to talk to, do let her know) about some aspect of writing before wandering off on to multiple digressions and then playing silly games.
It was great fun to record, although possibly a touch drunken towards the end, and I went on at length about my enjoyment of Doctor Who. Cause it’s me. I also read a version of my story The Lodger. I babble a bit while doing so, sorry about that, but I hope you get the gist.
There is also some bonus material (if you chip in) in which I go on about the greatness of Nigel Kneale amongst other stuff.
I hope you like it and I highly recommend the other episodes, great writers and quality chat.
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