A selection of images including the cover to Titanic Terastructures, A Quiet Afternoon 2, Thirty Years of Rain, New Maps, Shoreline of Infinity, K-Zine, Flotation Device and Magical Crime Scene Investigation.
In the centre are two painted images, one of a frazzled ginger haired woman drinking tea and one of a Sikh gentleman holding a bucket and sword and facing pink tentacles

Incoherent thoughts on a great weekend

Some final thoughts on Worldcon before I get too distracted back into the real world.

  • Cons are flipping lovely. This is my thirtieth year of going to them (!) and I couldn’t have had a better one to mark that.
  • After thirty years it turns out a lot of people at cons know me. This is weird.
  • Volunteering for panels and events is great and gives something back
  • I volunteered for a bit too much possibly
  • All fun, but I missed so many people and things
  • Those who volunteer for the behind the scenes stuff are to be lauded to the highest of hills and proclaimed before the gods
  • I have now appeared twice on stage at the Armadillo and want an Equity card
  • I have now been part of a brilliant team who produced an excellent (if I do say so myself) anthology which not only launched but sold the fuck out.
  • I will live off that joy for a very long time
  • Worldcons are huge. While it means more chances of seeing old faces, it also means more chances to miss so many people.
  • I possibly prefer the Eastercon size just so I can get around everyone and not have to trawl three bars.
  • Cons are a surreal world where you can buy books and not care about having time to read them or space to store them.
  • People at cons like tablet. I may bring more in the future.
  • Despite all the gravitas of Worldcon, there is still room for silly items with trebuchets or people in dinosaur costumes and that is wonderful.
  • I can moderate panels successfully and should be braver about volunteering for that in the future.
  • Even after five days, I still enjoy the Dead Dogs parties for their ability to throw up weird conversations
  • I can identify Parma Violets by smell alone, even after five days of drinking
  • Thanks to volunteering, I drank less of a night than I used to and this is no bad thing
  • I nonetheless still drank enough to over-enthusiastically pimp tablet, so it’s still a bit of a bad thing
  • I co-edited a book that sold out!
  • No matter how sober I am and how many notes I prepared, I will always come away from a panel realising I forgot something.
  • Many people like Alasdair Gray, this is good.
  • I really need to set aside time for the Art Show as I barely saw it
  • This probably saved me considerable money, so maybe not.
  • Glasgow cons are great, someone should run more.
  • Not me
  • Worldcons are great, but flipping expensive, someone should run more close to my house.
  • Not me
  • A con with two ceilidhs is a work of genius
  • But maybe put the first one in a bigger room next time
  • A Dead Dog ceilidh is a work of genius, letting me sweat out so much of the crap I ingested all weekend
  • Talking about writing in the bar is a joy
  • Saying on a panel that I do writing is a special wee thrill
  • I need to write more so I can keep doing that
  • Cons are flipping lovely. Here’s hoping I get to more soon.
  • I’m already signed up to Fantasycon in October and Eastercon and World Fantasy next year will be looked at just as soon as my credit card stops smoking.
  • Yay for the surreal, joyous, nonsensical world of gibberish that exists inside a con venue. May it always be there but may I remember to pace myself when in it.
  • Would you take tablet from this man? Me in a white shirt and blue waistcoat holding a tin full of tablet over a table with some Gallus tote bags on it
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2 responses to “Incoherent thoughts on a great weekend”

  1. Raj avatar

    1) I did take tablet from that man
    2) I hope nobody caught covid from me because of it!

    I had a great time in person for two days and a decent time virtually for the rest of it, although I did miss bumping into random people on the concourse or the bar. I’ve signed up for next year’s Eastercon, so I’ll hopefully see you there!

    1. admin avatar

      Was great to see you, if only briefly. I hope the lurgi is not too bad.
      Eastercon next year s likely, once I’ve righted the financial ship of state.

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