A selection of images including the cover to Titanic Terastructures, A Quiet Afternoon 2, Thirty Years of Rain, New Maps, Shoreline of Infinity, K-Zine, Flotation Device and Magical Crime Scene Investigation.
In the centre are two painted images, one of a frazzled ginger haired woman drinking tea and one of a Sikh gentleman holding a bucket and sword and facing pink tentacles

The Return of The Return of The Jannie

See not that long ago when I had a story in an anthology of Portal stories.

Well, they’ve only gone and made it available on its own too.

It is now available to buy here in its own wee cover.

I would caution against reading too much of the blurb, mind, as it’s not that long a story and they have said quite a lot about it on the sales page there. But still, a wee story of mine, out there in the world on its own. Now that is nifty and I shall be having a bonus biscuit to celebrate.

Of interest (to me) is that this now makes two stories I’ve written about Mr. Bhansal that have gained their own images to go with them. And in both of them there are things that serve to highlight how much of a character’s image is made up of your own internal mental pictures created from a lifetime of experience and not written on the page. Meaning that how I see the characters is not how the artist does.

Not that they are wrong.

If anything, it shows I’ve not been as descriptive as I could be. But also, it goes to show how much of a story the reader adds from their own memory and experience and how every person interprets a story in their own way.

So here’s to the many versions of Mr. Bhansal in the world. May he forever have a full packet of biscuits.

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3 responses to “The Return of The Return of The Jannie”

  1. Raj avatar

    I confess that the latter image (the one with the pink tentacles – I think from the first story about him) is much closer to what I have in my head than the latter

    1. admin avatar

      I agree. Although I suspect that is because I was more descriptive in the first story. By this new one I’m probably less descriptive, because I know him well. Which, of course, is not true for every reader.
      But, interestingly, I always found the one from the first story to be wrong as well. Because, in my head, janitors have long brown coats, not short ones. Of course, I never wrote that down either. So it’s a valid interpretation from what the reader has.

      1. Raj avatar

        I know what you mean about the long coat. It’s still closer though.

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