A selection of images including the cover to Titanic Terastructures, A Quiet Afternoon 2, Thirty Years of Rain, New Maps, Shoreline of Infinity, K-Zine, Flotation Device and Magical Crime Scene Investigation.
In the centre are two painted images, one of a frazzled ginger haired woman drinking tea and one of a Sikh gentleman holding a bucket and sword and facing pink tentacles

Margaret Rutherford references for the kids

Ooft, 2025 is turning into quite a difficult year in the real world, isn’t it? It’s difficult to get too excited about writing in these circumstance but, nonetheless, I’m delighted to say I’ve got a new story coming out in the summer and I’m here to pimp the Kickstarter to you.

Yes, it’s another anthology, this time called Summer of Sci-Fi & Fantasy 4 and I’ve sold them a story called The Miranda Effect.

As always it’s difficult to describe a short story without giving away too much information but in this instance I can tell you that it is a fantasy story with several references to “popular culture”.

I put that in quotes because your definition of popular may not match mine. For instance, the title is a reference to a film starring Margaret Rutherford and Glynis Johns from 1948. Not that you need to know that, but I suspect some of it will make more sense if you do.

Anyhoo, if you want to find out how I got such up-to-the-minute references into a story I sold to some mighty Canadians, then you can order up a copy via their Kickstarter. The page is up now and the campaign itself runs from the first of April.

Click on the link below to be notified when it opens or just wait for me to wang on about it in April. And why not look up the films of Margaret Rutherford and Glynis Johns while you wait.



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