A selection of images including the cover to Titanic Terastructures, A Quiet Afternoon 2, Thirty Years of Rain, New Maps, Shoreline of Infinity, K-Zine, Flotation Device and Magical Crime Scene Investigation.
In the centre are two painted images, one of a frazzled ginger haired woman drinking tea and one of a Sikh gentleman holding a bucket and sword and facing pink tentacles

Author: admin

  • Morpheus Tales cover

    Morpheus Tales cover

    The cracking cover for Morpheus Tales Apocalypse Special Read the first couple of stories so far and I’ve really enjoyed them. By the way, they have a discount on today should you feel like purchasing. But no matter how good that cover is, it won’t stop me Pulp-O-Mizing my own one.

  • The 15th of December

    Not technically out until Friday but to my great joy, Morpheus Tales have released their Apocalypse Special which includes my wee short, The 15th of December. You can see a preview here and if it interests you can buy the ebook at Smashwords or the real thing at Lulu. Warning, may contain beer and Norwich.

  • The Greatest Pulp Stories Ever Told

    The Greatest Pulp Stories Ever Told

    So yesterday I was introduced to the Pulp-O-Mizer and did spend far too much time making up silly pulp covers. So, by way of putting something up here, have a spoof for the story I had in Sein und Werden (their actual cover is much nicer) And then, because I am having too much fun…

  • First Post

    Hello and welcome. Last week I had the great news that I was to get my second short story published in Morpheus Tales Following that I decided that, should I get a third story published, I would setup one of these here blog things to track these. To my great surprise this point rolled around…