Category: acceptance
Margaret Rutherford references for the kids
Ooft, 2025 is turning into quite a difficult year in the real world, isn’t it? It’s difficult to get too excited about writing in these circumstance but, nonetheless, I’m delighted to say I’ve got a new story coming out in the summer and I’m here to pimp the Kickstarter to you. Yes, it’s another anthology,…
Ogres in the Mist
All hail the wonderful Canadians and especially those involved with On Spec, the Alberta based spec fic magazine for they have published a story of mine! Behold the glorious cover. Details of how to acquire this, should you wish to, can be found on their site at: My tale is one of a wee,…
Like flippin’ busses
Why yes, it is a non-end of year post. How bizarre. And in this case it is to crow mightily while also banging the drum for persistence. You know that old line about you wait ages and then three busses turn up at once? Well it appears to hold true for writing of short fiction…
Low risk reading for the win!
I have a new story coming out soon in a wee Canadian anthology called A Quiet Afternoon 2 and they’ve just opened their site for pre-orders. You can find it here The anthology is a collection of relaxed stories ideal for a restful afternoon, something we could all do with these days. Apparently they had volume…
Sacrificial Gasoline
It’s a new story! I’m very pleased to report that my story, Sacrificial Gasoline, has appeared in this wonderful publication, New Maps. You can find them here New Maps showcases ‘de-industrial’ fiction and if you want more information on what that is, they have a great editorial all about it in the issue. Basically it’s…
2017: The Year of the Step Up
Hello all and Happy Holidays. Firstly, I have a new story out. Yay! Normally at this time of year I do a review of the year and post up an old story for you. But today I happen to have a new story out from the wonderful people at Fireside Fiction. It’s called Rab the…
Two posts in a year? By jingo!
No, I’m as surprised as you that I have something to say more than once in a year. Anyhoo, first things first. Come the 28th of May, point your Kindles and other electronic reading doohickeys at Kzine where you will find me getting a story published in their Issue 15. I am deeply pleased that…
Mud, mud, glorious mud
Well lummee! The purple patch is now looking like a small purple lawn as the fine people in charge of an anthology called Caledonia Dreamin have accepted my story. Excitingly, the last plan I heard featured launching the anthology at World Fantasy Con, which I will be at, so I may get the chance to…
The Purple Patch Continues
I’ve been oddly hanging back on announcing this one (damn weirdy paranoia) but last weekend I had another acceptance, this time from some lovely people at Crossed Genres. They are putting together a superhero anthology and I felt it needed some mention of Nitshill Bowling Club. It appears to be another step along my educational…
The 15th of December
Not technically out until Friday but to my great joy, Morpheus Tales have released their Apocalypse Special which includes my wee short, The 15th of December. You can see a preview here and if it interests you can buy the ebook at Smashwords or the real thing at Lulu. Warning, may contain beer and Norwich.