Category: writing
2024: The Year of the Editor
Hello all, it’s December and so time for the annual roundup of my writing year, be it thick or thin. And this year has a hefty thickness. I have had three stories published, one about an old gnome, one about a shepherd and one about a talking cat. I also have a fourth due soon.…
Incoherent thoughts on a great weekend
Some final thoughts on #Glasgow2024 Worldcon before I get too distracted back into the real world.
Worldcon 2024, a schedule
It’s Worldcon time, my second in attendance in Glasgow and my fifth overall and this time I’ve volunteered for, and been given, some things to do on the programme. So, if you are coming to Glasgow for it, here is where you can find me: Thursday 8th August, 19:00 hours, Alsh 2 – Languages of…
Revelling in the editor’s power
For ten years and more I’ve been writing stories, getting them critted by my local group, the Glasgow SF (where SF stands for Speculative Fiction, although it did start out as Science Fiction) Writers’ Circle and pinging them out willy-nilly into the universe and hoping that an editor will like them and publish them. To…
Ogres in the Mist
All hail the wonderful Canadians and especially those involved with On Spec, the Alberta based spec fic magazine for they have published a story of mine! Behold the glorious cover. Details of how to acquire this, should you wish to, can be found on their site at: My tale is one of a wee,…
Sacrificial Gasoline
It’s a new story! I’m very pleased to report that my story, Sacrificial Gasoline, has appeared in this wonderful publication, New Maps. You can find them here New Maps showcases ‘de-industrial’ fiction and if you want more information on what that is, they have a great editorial all about it in the issue. Basically it’s…
2020: The year of the pestilence
Hello all. I hope this strangest of years has been not too bad for you and that this finds you well. It’s been weird, tragic and befuddling for all so well done on getting through it best you can and fingers crossed for an improvement next year. It’s been odd for us all but for…
2018: The Year of Distractions
Hello all and welcome to what was supposed to be an annual blog post, rounding up the year but, as it turns out, I’ve not posted anything since this time last year. Oops, I’ve been distracted. So, what have I been doing? First and foremost, I’ve had the joy of two stories being published. Just…
A “gift” for Christmas
A very good reason why I should never be allowed on the internet is that it gives me stupid ideas. Even worse, ideas based on other people’s characters and so entirely unpublishable. Probably the worst for you is that this does not stop me from writing the things anyway and, by way of a Christmas…
The Return of the Pulp-O-Mizer
It turns out that anthologies are like buses. You wait for ages and then two turn up at once. Today the TOC for Oomph got announced and so, by way of celebration, I’ve been farting around on the Pulp-O-Mizer site again. So, coming soon in Oomph is; and in Caledonia Dreamin’;