A selection of images including the cover to Titanic Terastructures, A Quiet Afternoon 2, Thirty Years of Rain, New Maps, Shoreline of Infinity, K-Zine, Flotation Device and Magical Crime Scene Investigation.
In the centre are two painted images, one of a frazzled ginger haired woman drinking tea and one of a Sikh gentleman holding a bucket and sword and facing pink tentacles

Munchkin’s Mind

  • 2014, The Year Of Not So Much

    It’s time for the end of year review thing, something that was most enjoyable to write last year. But pride comes before a fall, so it seems only right that after last year’s belter of a start to this publishing larkey things would drop off. I ended last year feeling like a proper writer. Stories…

  • Politics, an argument with myself

    Been quite some time since I posted here so sorry. Even more sorry that when I do post it is going to be on politics. In the next few weeks everyone in Scotland gets a vote. Probably the most important single vote that I will ever take part in. I’ve tried to sit on the…

  • You, sir, are a rumplefyke.

    It was Eastercon at the weekend and, before the happy memories fade, I’ll try to get a few of them down. 1) Being very busy.       This was certainly one of the most jam-packed conventions I’ve been to. There were many points on the programme where I would have happily gone to multiple items. I…

  • The Eastercon Of Doing Things

    The Eastercon Of Doing Things

    It has been a while since I last posted and, with Eastercon fast gambolling towards me I felt I really ought to do an update. Not much to say on the writing front. Much writing is ongoing but no new acceptances. I am building up a nice pile of stories which are either out for…

  • 2013, the year of the Purple Patch

    It being the traditional time of the year for a bit of retrospection I think it is time to take stock and be amazed. I’ve always played with writing but a couple of years ago I decided to step it up and show stuff to the Glasgow Science Fiction Writer’s Circle. Lots of work later…

  • A “gift” for Christmas

    A very good reason why I should never be allowed on the internet is that it gives me stupid ideas. Even worse, ideas based on other people’s characters and so entirely unpublishable. Probably the worst for you is that this does not stop me from writing the things anyway and, by way of a Christmas…

  • Happiness personified

    Happiness personified

    Me with my copies of Caledonia Dreamin’ and Oomph. Mostly posting this so I can look back, remind myself that publication is a joyous thing and then get on with some tedious editing. They’re dead good books though, you should buy them.

  • Dreamin’

    UPDATE: Now listed on Eibonvale’s website here. Now that I am almost recovered from the World Fantasy Hangover let me talk to you of cabbages and kings. Or possibly the single greatest thing that occurred to me there. The release of Caledonia Dreamin’. Caledonia Dreamin’ is an anthology of Strange Fiction based on Scots words…

  • World Fantasy Con, or How To Drink Your Way To Fame

    I’m on the train leaving Brighton and World Fantasy Con. This is my first Fantasy Con and the po-faced nature of some of the publicity had made me worry it was a bit staid. I could not have been more wrong. I had a brilliant time. Every day was busy and every night long and…

  • The Writing Is On The Wall

    Oomph, the anthology from Crossed Genres is released today. Available in both eBook and real, physical, smells funny and gathers dust, paper formats. You can find it here and I look forward to reading some excellent stuff on the lower end of the super hero spectrum. Also, by way of a small plugette for the…

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